Membership Levels
Individual Membership
One vote, $1,000,000 Excess Equine Liability Insurance, and other benefits as may be designated by the GHC Board of Directors from time to time.$45.00
Family Membership
Two votes (one per each resident spouse), $1,000,000 Excess Equine Liability Insurance, and other benefits as may be designated by the GHC Board of Directors from time to time. $65.00
Association/Farm & Ranch/Professional Membership
One vote, no insurance, and other benefits as may be designated by the GHC Board of Directors from time to time. $50.00
Business Membership
Option A: One vote, no insurance, a link on our web site for one year of membership, and other benefits as may be designated by the GHC Board of Directors from time to time. $100.00 Option B: One vote, no insurance and your link on our site for one year of membership in exchange for providing GHC members with a 5 -10 percent discount on select products or services. Contact us for more details. $35.00